How to buy the mystery box?

As we all know, there are many advantages to buying the mystery boxes. We will not repeat the description here, and you can read our previous articles for details: Gloryland NFT Description and Q&A | by For Metas Official | Dec, 2022 | Medium

How to buy the mystery box?

Step 1

Login your For Metas account and open the page of

Then choose your interested boxes to mint

Step 2

Click “Mint” then just pay it. You will get your lovely NFT.

If your balance is insufficient, you should click “Go to deposit” and the page will switch to My Wallet (

Enter your desired amount of token and click “Deposit,” then just follow up with the popped-up window from your installed wallet.

Then back to the page of Mystery box to finish your purcharse.

Where can I check my NFT?

Click “My NFT”

Check all my NFT on For Metas.

You can check the attributes of Gloryland’s NFT as bellow:

Or click the NFT and check all the details about this card then sale it on market or claim it on-chain.

How to stake my NFT?

Actually your NFT will automatically stake after you purchase the mystery box. For more details, you can check this article:

ForMetas Tutorial | How to stake your NFT? | by For Metas Official | Dec, 2022 | Medium


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